Design Questionnaire

Please take a few minutes to fill out this form as completely as possible to help us get started on your project.
(If any field does not apply or you’re simply not sure, please leave it blank. We won’t get mad, promise.)

Contact Information:
First Name:
Last Name:
Email Address:
Phone Number:
Company Name:
Existing URL:
If you'd like us to research a domain name to register, please list your top three choices for a URL:
Address 1:
Address 2:
Zip Code
Province / State:
Briefly describe what your business does or what services you provide.
Are you looking for a more informative website, or are you looking to sell products, or both?
If you have a current website, what challenges does it currently struggle to address. Basically, why do you want to redesign?
What do you want the new website to do for your company?
What is your target market / demographic? (include age, level of internet experience)
What colors, fonts, and styles does your branding use. (business cards, collateral, logos, etc.):
List websites that you find compelling and reasons why (graphics, choice of fonts, layout, etc.):
Who are your key competitors and what does your business offer that they do not (what sets you apart from your competition).
Primary Color
Secondary Color
Auxiliary Color #1
Auxiliary Color #2
Auxiliary Color #3
Additional Comments:
Please initial and check the boxes to validate this form submission. PLEASE READ THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS BEFORE YOU INITIAL OR CHECK THE BOXES.
   I have read, understood and agree to the terms and conditions.
   I have read and agree with the privacy policy.

We're going to create a results-driven, common sense marketing strategy for your business. But first, let's talk!