E-Commerce Credentials and Access

At GetUWired, we work with many E-Commerce systems, but most commonly, Shopify, Prestashop, BigCommerce, and Sam Cart. It is important, as your partner, that we have the necessary access to login and work in your E-Commerce Platform.

Example E-Commerce Instructions

Adding New SamCart Users

  1. To add a new user in SamCart, head to your Marketplace Settings and click Users in the sidebar
  2. Click the ‘+Add New’ button.
  3. Enter the support@getuwired.com email address and select the Admin User Role from the dropdown. Click save.
  4. Submit the credential form with everything but the password. This will alert us to use the link SamCart sends us to create a secure password.

Adding New Shopify Users

  1. Once you have logged in to your Shopify account, navigate to the Users section within the Shopify Organization Admin.
  2. Click ‘Add User’.
  3. Enter support@getuwired.com into the email field.
  4. In the Access and Permissions section, click ‘Assign Role’, and select ‘Admin’.
  5. In the Security section, click ‘Change Setting’ to disable Two-Step Authentication. If you opt to not do this for the user you create for GetUWired, you will need to provide the code sent to you every time we need to login to your account.
  6. Select ‘Two-step authentication is not required’.
  7. Click Save and then click Send Invite.
  8. Submit our credential form with everything but the password. This will alert us to use the link Shopify sends us to create a secure password.