New Coaching Client Questionnaire

Please enter your name and email address before getting started to ensure that we receive your questionnaire.
First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Please list all of the team members that will be joining us, so I am familiar with everyone's names. Please list an email and phone number for the person that is going to be our main contact through everything.
What is your 30-Day vision with Infusionsoft?
What is your 6 Month vision with Infusionsoft?
Since our initial time together is limited, I want to make sure we are capable of accomplishing all that we can in the time allotted. Could you please explain what your expectations of our training together looks like to your team?
Do you have any deadlines we need to be aware of - ie. promoting a live event, flash sale, etc.?
Please provide any resources we could use to get a better understanding of your company and it's services. If these resources are not ready yet, please provide an "elevator speech" description of what your company looks like. Examples include: links to websites, landing pages, sales letters, etc.
What time zone will you be working out of the most?
This process may take a moment, please wait for the confirmation page before closing this window.

We're going to create a results-driven, common sense marketing strategy for your business. But first, let's talk!